Data Load Wizard - Import Data Types

Selecting the type of data you wish to import.

Data Load Wizard - Import Data Types

To access this wizard:

  • Using the Data Load Wizard click Next on the welcome screen if it is displayed)

This screen is used to select the types of data tables you wish to import.

You can select as many data types as are required, and this selection will instruct your application to use the appropriate data source drivers when loading data. In addition, the list of selectable files on the following screen  will be filtered to only show files relating to the selected types.

When you have made your selection(s), click Next to proceed to the Import Data Tables screen.

note.gif (1017 bytes) If you do not select an option from the list and click Next, you will be taken straight to theComplete Loadscreen of this wizard.
  openbook.gif (910 bytes)   Related Topics


Data Load Wizard overview